Thank you for reporting your injury to us. Your claim number is [CLAIM NUMBER].

We’ll review the information provided and reach out if we need any further information to determine whether we can accept your claim.

This email outlines what to do to help your claim move along smoothly as well as the steps we are taking. If you have questions or concerns that aren’t answered here, call us at 604.231.8888 (toll-free at 1.888.967.5377). We’d be happy to help.

Your next steps

  1. ...Please give your claim number to your employer and keep them informed about your recovery and any changes in your condition.
  2. Provide your claim number to any health care providers you see for this injury.
  3. Call our Claims Call Centre at 604.231.8888 (or toll-free at 1.888.967.5377):
  4. If you’re considering any type of therapy or treatment, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, or psychological support, you’ll find important information about how and when treatment will be covered on worksafebc.com. View health care benefits. or go to worksafebc.com and search “health care benefits”.

Our next steps

  1. We’ll send you a letter with your Personal Access number and instructions so you can view information about your claim online.
  2. We’ll review your claim and, if needed, reach out with questions.
  3. Once we have the information we need, we’ll let you know whether we’re able to accept your claim.
  4. We’ll send you a letter with this information and further details.

Please do not reply to this message as we cannot monitor this mailbox. Instead, you’re welcome to contact us at the phone numbers below.

Claims team

6951 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC

Phone: 604.231.8888
Toll-free: 1.888.967.5377 (Canada)
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

This email was sent by the Workers' Compensation Board doing business as WorkSafeBC. If do not wish to receive automated emails to acknowledge we've received a report of injury, please unsubscribe.