
Name: Joe Smith
Customer Care number: 0000000001

Before you begin

This is the first line telling you how this application works

  • This is the main point to keep in mind
  • This is the second point to consider
  • This is the last point to keep in mind

Enter banking details

You can find this information on your cheques, account statements, or online banking. Please refer to your financial institution’s website for more information.

You have selected

Institution: 004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address: 123 Main St. Vancouver, BC  V5J 1J1
004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address:
123 Main St. Vancouver, BC  V5J 1J1
Please do not include spaces or dashes
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You can find the necessary banking details on your cheques, account statements, or online banking. Please refer to your financial institution’s website for more information.

Review and submit

Please confirm your banking information.

Institution: 004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address: 123 Main St. Vancouver, BC V5J 1J1
Transit (branch) number: 01234
Account number: 987654
004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address:
123 Main St. Vancouver, BC  V5J 1J1
Transit (branch) number:
Account number:
I confirm that I'm submitting the truth

Have a question about direct deposit? Call us at 1.888.967.5377.