Review and submit your changes - template

The bolded information below has been changed based on the information you provided.
Please verify and submit your changes.

Personal information

First name: John
Preferred first name: Jock
Middle initial: --
Last name: Doe
Preferred last name: --
Date of birth: January 1, 1987
Gender: Male
Social Insurance Number (SIN): *** *** 456
Personal Health Number (PHN): 9879 543 214

Contact information

Primary phone number: 567.987.8764
Alternate phone number: --
Alternate phone number: --
Email address:

Mailing address

Street address: 123 Main Street
Apt, Suite: --
Country: Canada
City: Victoria
Province: British Columbia
Postal code: E1E 1A1

Temporary mailing address

From: July 22, 2022
To: August 22, 2022
Street address: 123 Main Street
Apt, Suite: --
Country: Canada
City: Victoria
Province: British Columbia
Postal code: E1E 1A1

Have questions about your address or personal information? Call us at 604.231.8888 (toll-free 1.888.967.5377).