Confirmation boxes


Name: Joe Smith
Customer Care number: 0000000001
Institution: 004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address: 123 Main St. Vancouver, BC V5J 1J1
Transit (branch) number: 01234
Account number: 987654
Effective date: Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 3:43 p.m. (PT)
Joe Smith
Customer Care number:
004 | Toronto Dominion Bank
Branch address:
123 Main St. Vancouver, BC V5J 1J1
Transit (branch) number:
Account number:
Effective date:
Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 3:43 p.m. (PT)


Your confirmation number is 78943739

Claim number: 12345678
Customer Care Number: 000000001

We’ve added the estimated premium for 2020 to your account balance. You may print or save this page for your records. Next, please make your payment.

Please note that you still need to report your actual payroll for 2020 in early 2021. We’ll send you a reminder at that time. If your actual payroll is different than the estimate you provided today, we’ll adjust your account balance accordingly.