Error handling UX design guide

This guide will show you how to display errors in various situations for WorkSafeBC Apps

Field level errors

When the error happens at the input-field level, use this style

  • Field-level errors should display below the form field in sunset orange (#DC4405). The outline of the form field should also change colour to sunset orange.
  • Errors should display after the user makes the error (i.e., when the navigate away from the field) and not as soon as the start typing.
  • Errors can be triggered via events such as the clicking of a button
  • Error messages with one sentence don’t require a period at the end; however, error messages with multiple sentences do require a period.
  • Typically, buttons should always be enabled so that if the user skips a field or has an in-field error and clicks a continue button, they are automatically scrolled to where the first error occurred.


Please provide a valid ID

Common errors in form fields

Field Message Condition
Account number Please enter a 6- or 9-digit account number User leaves the WorkSafeBC account number field blank
Claim number Please enter your 8-digit claim number User leaves the claim number field blank
Email address Please enter your email address in the format User leaves the email address field blank or does not follow the correct email format
First name Please enter your first name User leaves the first name field blank.
First name Your first name must contain X characters ...
Phone number Please enter a 10-digit phone number Please enter a 10-digit phone number
View reference

Combination-level errors

When a user is required to provide a combination of fields in order to continue, and their combination is incorrect, we display back a red blockquote


Please provide a valid claim number

Claim not found

Thee information you've entered does not match a claim on file. Please try again

Application level errors

Application-level errors (e.g., we’re unable to display any of the user’s information) are displayed using our Alert styling.

  • This styling is to be used for scheduled downtimes
  • Errors should display after the user makes the error (i.e., when the navigate away from the field) and not as soon as the start typing.
  • The heading will tell the user what we’re unable to display depending on the application (e.g., payments, reports, resources, etc.)
  • The subtext will tell the user to refresh the page or call our technical support team (this is standard across all applications)


We were unable to display your ______

Please refresh the page or try again later. If you need assistance, please call us at 1.888.855.2477, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m to 5 p.m PT.

No search results found

Within an application, if a user searches or filters for something and it returns to results, we display a yellow blockquote


No [INSERT WHAT THEY WERE SEARCHING FOR] match the criteria you specified.

File upload errors

Upload errors are handled at the front end level as much as possible immediatelly after the error is detected.


Click to upload a file
The file type you selected is not supported and cannot be uploaded
View form uploader states 

Your contact information

Will you or someone else be helping the injured worker with their claim?

If the injured worker would like to add you or someone else as a representative to help manage their claim, please have them fill out and sign our authorization form.

Yes - No toggle controls

You may have received a claim number from us or your employer.
Please provide an answer

input fields

Please provide an answer

Input group - date of birth

Please provide an answer

Input group - mailing address

Mailing address

Please provide an answer
If your address contains "attention" or "care of" information, please enter that information in this field as “ATTN:” or “C/O:”.
Please provide an answer
Please provide an answer
Please provide an answer

Radio buttons

Which of the following best describes your employment type at the time of your injury?
Please provide an answer

Text areas

Please provide an answer


Which of the following factors significantly contributed to your injury? (check all that apply)
Please provide an answer

Form group - Time approximate

Please provide an answer